When Netflix first set about upending the way we consume media over a decade ago, it was hard to envision what our TV future might look like. While there’s still hope for groundbreaking innovation, the analysts who predicted that the streaming industry would peak in a bloated era of mundane streaming offerings before eventually consolidating and reviving the cable bundle seem to have been proven right. But if the “golden age” of streaming is really behind us, and “Just OK TV is here to stay,” then why isn't the experience of watching our shows more stable? Somehow, it feels like our streaming choices are more chaotic and disarrayed than ever. It’s not just that we now live in a world with a seemingly infinite number of shows and products to consume, spread across hundreds of streaming platforms that no one person could ever regularly access. We also have less consistency in how this content gets served to us. Episodes of new series frequently drop in different increments and cadences, not only from platform to platform, but also within the same platforms.
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