
Genre Trend Report - Argentina 2019 Q4

10 March, 2020

Parrot Analytics Genre Trend reports reveal which genres and subgenres appealed to a market's audiences the most during the quarter.

The key questions investigated in this report include:

1. Which genres are most in-demand for Argentinian audiences this quarter?

2. How do Argentinian genre trends compare to global trends for the quarter?

3. Which subgenres are most in-demand for Argentinian audiences this quarter?

4. For only digital original series, what genres are most demanded by Argentinian audiences this quarter and how is this different to the overall shares?

For all titles, which genres are Argentinian audiences demanding most?


• The most in-demand genre of series in Argentina is drama. 47.3% of all demand expressed in Argentina this quarter is for a drama title. The top title in this genre in Q4 2019 is Stranger Things.

• Comedies are also highly in-demand in this market. 15.3% of the total quarterly demand is for comedy series, with the most demanded title being The Big Bang Theory.

• Children’s titles have a larger than usual segment of audience attention in this market. 8.9% of Argentinian demand this quarter is for a children’s title. This quarter, Steven Universe is the most in-demand children’s title in this genre.

How do Genre Demand Shares in Argentina compare to global trends?


• Compared to global audiences, Argentinians are 1.8% more likely to express demand for children’s series.

• However, reality series are not favoured here. The reality genre has 4.4% less demand share in this market than the genre does on average around the world.

• The demand share for variety and documentary series are also lower than the global average. These genres each have around 1.5% less demand share in Argentina.

For all titles, which subgenres are Argentinian audiences demanding most?


• The most in-demand subgenre in Argentina in 2019 Q4 is crime drama. Crime dramas account for 10.7% of all expressed demand, a 4.3% lead on the next largest subgenre. Argentina’s most demanded crime drama this quarter is Peaky Blinders.

• Sitcoms are the next most demanded with a 6.4% demand share, with superhero series third most demanded with 5.4%. Globally, these are also the top three subgenres.

• Argentinian audiences express much more demand for soap opera (telenovela) titles than average. Soap opera is the sixth largest subgenre in Argentina this quarter, but is not in the top ten globally.

For digital original titles, which genres are Argentinian audiences demanding most?


• When only digital original titles are considered, the demand share for dramas in Argentina rises slightly. 52.4% of demand is for digital original dramas series compared to the 47.3% drama share of all titles.

• The Argentinian share of demand for action and adventure more than doubles for digital original series to 18.7%, from just 9.0% of the all-title genre share. The top series in this genre for the quarter is The Mandalorian.

• The most under-served genre for digital originals in Argentina is children’s series. Although children’s titles have 8.9% of the all-title demand share for digital originals this is just 2.4%, a difference of -6.5%.

This report is intended as a high-level overview of genre trends in this market. To access more granular genre demand trends for specific platforms, types of titles, timeframes and more, contact your Parrot Analytics representative to discuss the Analyse tier.

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