
Genre Trend Report - Benelux, May to July 2021

23 August, 2021

Parrot Analytics Genre Trend reports reveal which genres and subgenres appealed to a market's audiences the most during the quarter.

1. Which genres are most in-demand for audiences in Benelux this quarter?

2. How do genre trends in Benelux compare to global trends for the quarter?

3. Which subgenres are most in-demand for audiences in Benelux this quarter?

4. For only digital original series, what genres are most demanded by audiences in Benelux this quarter and how is this different to the overall shares?

For all titles, which genres are audiences in the Benelux region demanding most?


• In Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands, drama series have the highest share of demand. In the region, 41.8% of the demand across all series is expressed for a drama title. Over May to July 2021, The Handmaid's Tale is the region’s most in-demand drama series.

• Comedy series are second behind drama, accounting for a 13.8% share of Benelux demand. This is just ahead of Reality with 13.1%.

• Animation is the fourth largest genre of series in this region, with a 6.2% demand share.

How do Genre Demand Shares in Benelux compare to global trends?


• Comparing the genre demand shares in Benelux to the global average shares for the same period shows how regional tastes in content differ.

• Demand for reality series is much higher across Benelux with the genre accounting for +2.4% larger share here than it does globally.

• However, while they share a taste for the genre, the region’s markets all have different top reality series: audiences in The Netherlands express most attention for The Voice Of Holland while Luxembourg favors franchise stablemate The Voice Of Germany. Meanwhile in Belgium, cooking show MasterChef Australia has the highest demand.

• Animated series attract less audience attention in Benelux than the global average, with the share here -2.4% lower. Rick And Morty is the most in-demand animation for these three months.

For all titles, which subgenres are audiences in the Benelux region demanding most?


• The globally most in-demand subgenre, crime drama, also tops the list in Benelux. 9.9% of all demand expressed in May to July 2021 is for a crime drama, making the subgenre about as important to audiences as variety and children’s series combined. Netflix’s Lucifer is the most in-demand crime drama in Benelux.

• Sitcoms and sci-fi dramas ranked either second or third in all three markets.

• As seen with the top reality series, while the region shares general trends the specifics can differ. Fantasy drama ranked highest in Belgium, thrillers ranked highest in Luxembourg and comedy-dramas ranked highest in The Netherlands.

For digital original titles, which genres are audiences in the Benelux region demanding most?


• Looking at only digital original series in Benelux, the 48.8% demand share for drama series overindexes by 7.0% compared to the drama demand share of all series.

• There is a similar overindex for action and adventure digital originals, which have a 6.7% higher demand share than the genre does across all series.

• The high action and adventure demand share is heavily driven by Disney+’s series like Loki & The Mandalorian. Of the five most in-demand action and adventure digital original series in the region, four are Disney+ originals. The remaining series is Amazon Prime Video’s The Boys.

• However, the high overall demand in Benelux for reality series is not being met by digital originals: the genre’s digital original demand share is -10.1% smaller compared to the overall market demand share. Given two of the three most demanded overall reality series in the Benelux markets are European, streaming services should look to produce local reality series to address this gap.

This report is intended as a high-level overview of genre trends in this market. DEMAND360 Enterprise users have access to granular genre demand trends for specific platforms, title filters, custom timeframes and more in the Demand360 platform. To unlock access to these features, enquire about Enterprise subscription details here:

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