Parrot Analytics Genre Trend reports reveal which genres and subgenres appealed to a market's audiences the most during the quarter.
The key questions investigated in this report include:
1. Which genres are most in-demand for Malaysian audiences this quarter?
2. How do genre trends in Malaysia compare to global trends for the quarter?
3. Which subgenres are most in-demand for Malaysian audiences this quarter?
4. For only digital original series, what genres are most demanded by Malaysian audiences this quarter and how is this different to the overall shares?
For all titles, which genres are Malaysian audiences demanding most?
• In Malaysia, the genre with the highest share of demand between December 2020 and February 2021 is drama. 34.9% of all demand expressed in the country during these three months is for a drama series.
• Following drama are the animation and children’s genres, which have 14.8% and 13.5% demand shares respectively.
• The action and adventure and reality genres are almost even at 8.3% each, with action and adventure just slightly larger.
How do Genre Demand Shares in Malaysia compare to global trends?
• Investigating how Malaysian shares compare to the global trends for the same three months, we see the animation genre has significantly higher share. In Malaysia, the 14.8% demand share is +6.9% against the global average. The trend is led by the most demanded animation in this market, Attack On Titan from Japan’s MBS.
• The demand share for Children’s content is also significantly higher (+5.9%) than the global average. This is led by highly demanded local series, TV9’s Upin & Ipin.
• Variety also has a demand share above the global average demand share. Astro’s talk show Meletop is the highest demand series in the market during these months.
For all titles, which subgenres are Malaysian audiences demanding most?
• Looking at subgenre trends shows us that the high Malaysian demand for animation shows is heavily driven by the anime subgenre. Anime is the single most demanded subgenre between December 2020 and February 2021. 9.7% of all expressed demand is for a series in the anime subgenre, more than for the entire action & adventure genre.
• While the Malaysian demand share for drama series is lower than the global average, the genre still has four subgenres in top ten,
• The market’s high demand for Children’s content is reflected here. Three Children’s subgenres are present in this list, while most other markets only have one.
For digital original titles, which genres are Malaysian audiences demanding most?
• The drama genre is much more important to series originating from streaming platforms. In this segment of the Malaysian market, the drama genre has a 44.1% demand share, up +9.2% from the overall market. In this segment, Netflix’s The Crown is the most demanded series during these three months.
• The difference from the overall market is more pronounced for the action and adventure genre. Here, the genre has +16.8% demand share and accounts for just over a quarter of Malaysian digital original series demand. Disney+’s The Mandalorian is the most demanded of these series both in Malaysia and worldwide for this time period.
• Streaming platform originals are not supplying the high Malaysian demand for childrens and animation. In the digital original segment, both genres have much lower demand shares than the overall market. The most demanded digital original animated series is Tencent Video’s Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation.
This report is intended as a high-level overview of genre trends in this market. To access more granular genre demand trends for specific platforms, types of titles, timeframes and more, please contact your Parrot Analytics representative.