For a breakdown of demand by genre, we looked at the top 50 titles by demand in Saudi Arabia, averaged over the four weeks from October 26th to November 22nd, 2015.
The average demand for the titles in the top 50 was further aggregated by genre to find the average demand for each genre.
We found that Drama tops the chart with the highest average demand out of the 10 genres.
Though there was only one reality show in the top 50 in Saudi Arabia, this title had the second-highest demand as compared to the other genres. Animation and cartoons also have a high average demand, despite the fact that there were only three in the top 50. This result suggests that these genres are not unpopular, but perhaps there is a lack of options available in this market.
Comedies and sitcoms had the second-largest share of the top 50 behind dramas and crime dramas, yet the average demand for these shows, especially comedies, is low over the period analyzed.