
Franchisability in the Romance Reality Genre

24 February, 2020

A Parrot Quick Insight

Romance Reality is a subgenre filled with examples of spin-offs and franchises.  In the top 10 chart below, 9 of the 10 shows are either spinoffs themselves or an original that has inspired multiple spinoffs.  No franchise has seen a greater number or variety of spinoffs than The Bachelor - three of the top ten are from this franchise and separate spinoffs have been launched in 25 countries to date.


The one exception to this trend in the top 10 romance reality shows is the Russian series, Dom 2. There is not yet a spinoff of this series even though Dom 2 has the highest franchisability of all romance reality shows, with 8.3x the franchisability of the average reality show.  Notably this is more than twice the franchisability of the spinoff goldmine The Bachelor.

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