
United Kingdom TV Ratings for SVOD Television Shows

6 June, 2018

Parrot Analytics has recently taken an in-depth look at SVOD TV trends in the United Kingdom, including:

  • The top 20 digital streaming shows in the United Kingdom, as well as 5 additional titles of interest to the British.
  • How local demand in the UK for these titles has changed over the course of the first quarter of 2018.
  • How many video streaming services consumers are willing to subscribe to, including a breakdown of age and gender.
  • TV industry update for Q1 detailing important events with a focus on OTT.
  • An overview of all the new streaming series that were released in the first quarter of 2018.
Top Streaming Television Shows in the United Kingdom

In the report, the top 20 digital original series and 5 series of interest have been ranked by their average Demand Expressions from January through March, 2018:



A time series plot illustrating interesting OTT television trends in the United Kingdom over the last three months is also included:


Our observations:
  • Star Trek: Discovery was the most in-demand digital original series in the UK due to the popularity of the second half of its season.
  • The Grand Tour was the third-most popular digital original series in the UK, and did not decline in popularity too much after its second season ended in February.
  • The recent co-production between Amazon and Sky, Britannia, rose to a reasonably high level of demand after its premiere, making it rank 12th in the market.
  • The trailer for Jessica Jones’ second season had about 60% of the popularity of Altered Carbon’s release a week earlier.

For more information, check out the most up-to-date United Kingdom television industry overview.

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