If you’ve been following Attack on Titan from season 1, your wildest imagination couldn’t have predicted that the course of the story would end up where it is now. Season 4 is so different in style and tone that it’s like watching a completely different show.
This shift in the narrative has been widely appreciated by fans and critics alike. According to Parrot Analytics, the anime series was the most in-demand show in the US in the week of Jan 31 – Feb 06. It had almost a hundred and ten times more demand than the average tv show, outperforming Wandavision, The Mandalorian, and Cobra Kai.
In the finale of season 3, Eren and Co found out that humanity exists beyond the walls and our main characters and people inside the walls are Eldians-- a race despised for their ability to transform into Titans and their purported atrocities against other nations.
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