Industry News

Can ‘Modern Family,’ ‘The Office’ give Peacock the lift it needs?

27 February, 2021

One of the most popular new shows on Hulu and Peacock is a 12-year-old sitcom that stopped airing new episodes last year. Interest in "Modern Family" has spiked since the show appeared on both services earlier this month, according to Parrot Analytics.

That’s unusual for a library title. Demand for “South Park” didn’t increase after old episodes appeared on HBO Max, nor did interest in “Friends,” “Mad Men” or “Parks & Recreation” surge after they changed services. The only show that compares is “The Office."

That show was a reliable hit for NBC that became one of the most popular shows in the world after it left the air, thanks largely to Netflix. Interest in it spiked anew when it moved from Netflix to Peacock, which means the folks at Comcast Corp., Peacock's owner, now have two very popular old sitcoms.

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