Casey Bloys, the Chairman and CEO of HBO, revealed in an interview with Parrot Analytics that the rebranding of the HBO Max streaming service is aimed at parents hesitant to let their children use a streaming service with the HBO name.
The fan-run Animation on HBO Max account shared a clip from the Bloys interview on Twitter. The host of the interview was entertainment industrysStrategist Brandon Katz for the Parrot Analytics YouTube channel. In the interview, Bloys brought up the elephant in the room regarding the debate over renaming HBO Max. Although Bloys values the HBO brand, he admits the cable channel's history of prestigious entertainment aimed at an adult audience can be a red flag for families wanting to use HBO Max for their kids. "If you're a parent with kids, you may not automatically think 'Oh, HBO. That's the place I'm gonna park my kid in front of,'" Bloys told Katz.
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