Industry News

How Gossip Helped Propel Miley Cyrus to the Top of the Charts

18 March, 2023

To the casual listener, Miley Cyrus’s January hit single “Flowers” is a sultry pop song with a feminist bent, an anthem celebrating self-love and independence. But to superfans like Joshua Molina, “Flowers” is a series of clues about Ms. Cyrus’s divorce from Liam Hemsworth. "The hype around “Flowers,” has created a trickle-down effect for other works in its orbit. Interest in “The Last Song,” Ms. Cyrus and Mr. Hemsworth’s first movie together from 2010, shot up by 17.32% in the U.S. the week following the single’s release date, according to entertainment data firm Parrot Analytics, which tracks everything from video consumption to social media engagement."

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