Since Netflix began honing its streaming model with its first original series House of Cards and Orange Is the New Black, viewers saw a shift from the typical weekly release schedule of broadcast TV. So Disney’s choice to release WandaVision episodes in this manner struck some as strange.
“Aside from its weekly small-screen aesthetics, WandaVision still feels far too much like an inflated feature film that just keeps dragging out its story via inconvenient weekly installments,” wrote IndieWire’s Ben Travers in his review of episode 6, “All-New Halloween Spooktacular!” However, many critics disagreed.
Of course, what actually matters for a show’s success is the viewership numbers. And the stats there are interesting. According to Forbes, WandaVison “finished sixth among original shows on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and Disney+ for the week of Jan. 11-17.” And as of February 5, it became the “number one series worldwide.”
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