During its original nine season run on NBC between 2005-2013, The Office gradually developed into one of the highest-rated and most beloved comedies on television. Rather than gather dust on the digital shelves of Netflix following its conclusion, the sitcom enjoyed a massive pop culture resurgence as a new generations of fans binged it endlessly. The Office became one of Netflix’s most-watched shows, according to multiple reports, prompting NBCUniversal to shell out $500 million to exclusively reclaim the series for its own streaming service, Peacock. By all accounts, the sitcom has performed well enough at its new streaming home too.
It should then come as no surprise that NBCU is all in on a reboot of The Office — under one condition. Greg Daniels developed the American adaptation of The Office, which was based on the British series created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, and NBCU wants the creator back at the helm.
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