The DC Comics adaptation “Peacemaker” has been renewed for Season 2 on HBO Max, executive producer James Gunn and star John Cena announced on Wednesday.
The announcement comes the day before the Season 1 finale of the show, which continues the story of Cena’s titular costume vigilante from Gunn’s 2021 feature film “The Suicide Squad.” Danielle Brooks, Freddie Stroma, Chukwudi Iwuji, Jennifer Holland and Steve Agee played the members of the motley crew of operatives tasked to help Peacemaker repel an alien invasion.
Gunn wrote all eight episodes of the first season and directed five, along with Jody HIll, Rosemary Rodriguez and Brad Anderson, who each directed one. Gunn, Peter Safran and Matt Miller executive produced, with Cena as co-executive producer and Stacy Littlejohn as consulting producer.
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