The company behind the PJ Masks cartoon series and toys is showcasing a four-part special and announcing several new episodes of the popular kid’s show the week before National Super Hero Day. The episode drop also coincides with an April 23, in person event at theaters nationwide, where children are encouraged to dress up on costume and watch four new episodes of the show at their local movie theater. The 88-minute event will introduce the special, “Heroes of the Sky,” and also features dancing, music videos and is one of many live events that keep the show’s characters, Catboy, Owlette and Gekko, front and center for the early childhood set.
The new episodes are dropping at an opportune time for the franchise, which is produced by eOne that was recently purchased by Hasbro, which in February announced new “show to shelf” toys based upon the TV series. The release speaks to the demand for such content. Kids - and parents - have been starving for a consistent stream of new episodic ‘toon content ever since the pandemic began. Netflix and Amazon, among others, have been working overtime to fill the space and provide new shows - and old classics - to kids whose parents leaned a bit more on TV than in previous years due to the extended Covid-19-related school and daycare closures. In fact, according to Parrot Analytics, demand for children’s tv content was up 51.5% from Jan 2020 to Feb 2022, “much higher than the demand for all other content, which was up 18.4% over the same time.”
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