After overtaking seven-time champion Lewis Hamilton on the final lap of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix to win his first Formula One World Championship, Max Verstappen has become the most in-demand athlete in the world, Parrot Analytics revealed. On Sunday, December 12, Verstappen was 49.2x more in-demand than the average talent in the world. Moreover, he was the seventh most in-demand talent across all professions on that day, and was the top athlete worldwide by global audience demand.
Just as he did on the track, Verstappen beat out Lewis Hamilton in global popularity on December 12. Hamilton still had 42.1x more global demand than the average talent - putting him in the top 0.04% of all talent worldwide. At the same time, Hamilton was the second most popular athlete and ninth most in-demand talent across all professions on the day of the final Grand Prix of the year.
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