Parrot Analytics Genre Trend reports reveal which genres and subgenres appealed to a market's audiences the most during the quarter.
The key questions investigated in this report include:
1. Which genres are most in-demand for French audiences this quarter?
2. How do genre trends in France compare to global trends for the quarter?
3. Which subgenres are most in-demand for French audiences this quarter?
4. For only digital original series, what genres are most demanded by French audiences this quarter and how is this different to the overall shares?
For all titles, which genres are French audiences demanding most?
• Between June and August 2020, audiences in France expressed the most total demand for series in the drama genre. 44.7% of demand expressed was for a series in this genre. France’s most demanded drama in these three months is AMC’s The Walking Dead.
• Comedy is the second most demanded genre with a 15.1% share of audience attention. In June to August, NBC’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine is France’s most in-demand comedy series.
• The next largest genres all hold similar demand shares. Series for children have a 9.2% share of French demand, action and adventure has an 8.3% share and animation has an 8.1% share.
How do Genre Demand Shares in France compare to global trends?
• When genre demand shares in France are compared to worldwide shares, we see drama series are more demanded. The demand share from French audiences for drama is +2.2% higher than the worldwide average demand share.
• French audiences are also hungry for animated series. The genre has 1.0% more demand share in this market than it does on average globally.
• Compared to worldwide content tastes, French audiences pay less attention to reality series. The genre share for reality in this market is -1.9% smaller. Defying this trend is The Voice - La Plus Belle Voix, the most in-demand reality series in France for these three months.
For all titles, which subgenres are French audiences demanding most?
• The higher than average French demand share for the animation genre shows here as anime is the fifth most in-demand subgenre, accounting for 4.7% of all expressed demand.
• This is more than half of the 8.1% demand share for the animation genre. Between June and August, France’s most in-demand anime is Attack On Titan.
• The most demanded subgenre in France for these months is crime drama. French demand for this type of series is around 1.5 times the demand of the next largest subgenre, sitcom. The most demanded crime drama in this period is Netflix's Money Heist.
• The only subgenre in the ten largest French subgenres that is not also one of the global ten largest subgenres is procedural drama. The most demanded procedural drama in France is Netflix's Lucifer.
For digital original titles, which genres are French audiences demanding most?
• Looking now at only digital original series, the French demand share for drama remains the largest of all the genres. Compared to the drama share for the overall market of 44.7%, the share for digital originals is higher still at 51.9%.
• The demand for action and adventure series increases substantially for the digital original market from the overall market, going from an 8.3% share to an 18.2% share. Between June and August, the most in-demand action and adventure digital original for French audiences is Disney+’s The Mandalorian.
• The already small French demand share for reality series is exacerbated for digital original series. Only 2.0% of digital original demand in these three months was expressed for a reality series.
This report is intended as a high-level overview of genre trends in this market. To access more granular genre demand trends for specific platforms, types of titles, timeframes and more, please contact your Parrot Analytics representative.
For more information, check out the most up-to-date France television industry overview.