
Saudi Arabia television and streaming market share analysis Q1 2023: Netflix, HBO, MBC, Shahid and CBS

6 July, 2023

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Presented below is the section for Saudi Arabia from The Global Television Demand Report. Enjoy!

Saudi Arabia genre and subgenre preferences

  • Saudi Arabian audiences had the third largest share of demand for the animation genre of markets in this report. 15.6% of demand for shows in Q1 2023 was for an animated series in Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Arabia was one of only three markets in this report where the share of demand for drama series (44.9%) was greater than 40%.
  • The share of demand for documentary series from Saudi Arabian audiences (1.6%) was less than a third of the global share of demand for the genre (5.2%).
  • The high demand for drama content in Saudi Arabia is apparent when looking at the most in-demand subgenres. Six of the ten most in-demand subgenres in Saudi Arabia were drama subgenres.
  • Saudi Arabia was the only market in this report where the historical drama subgenre ranked in the top ten.
  • The fantasy drama subgenre achieved its highest rank in Saudi Arabia where it was the third most in-demand subgenre for the quarter.

Saudi Arabia platform demand share and digital originals demand distribution

  • Saudi Arabia was the only market in this report where MBC ranked among the top channels in terms of the share of demand for its original content. 6.2% of demand was for a series from an MBC branded channel, meaning it ranks third in terms of demand behind only Netflix and HBO.
  • Original content from Shahid, the streaming platform owned by the MBC Group, was alone responsible for 4.3% of demand for shows in Saudi Arabia this quarter, underscoring the impact of content from the MBC Group in this market.
  • AMC shows succeeded in Saudi Arabia where they made up 2.5% of demand for series, a larger demand share than in any other market in this report.
  • Local comedy series, Shabab Al Bomb, topped the ranking as the most in-demand show in Saudi Arabia with 18.2 times the average series demand in Q1 2023.
  • While Saudi Arabia had one of the lowest shares of demand for reality content (5.5%), the local competition reality, Saudi Idol, stood out with 7.6 times the average series demand.
  • Kuruluş: Osman, the spinoff of the enormously popular Turkish drama, Resurrection: Ertrugul, travelled well to Saudi Arabia where it had 7.1 times the average series demand and ranked as the sixteenth most in-demand show this quarter.

Top series in Saudi Arabia

Here are the top 20 most in-demand series in Q1 2023 in Saudi Arabia across all platforms:


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